About Us At The Department
Within the Department everything we do is strengthened by our set of values, which are:
Being me,
These are promoted through all that we do.
At New Bradwell School Department our drive is to deliver meaningful learning experiences that are relevant to each child. We offer a flexible approach, which is personalised to every child’s needs, preparing them for their future in all areas of development. It is important that each child can participate in school life, so topics, activities and the classroom environment will be highly motivating and engaging.
We are a specialised Department for primary aged children with autism or social communication needs. We use a range of teaching and therapeutic interventions, such as:
- Attention Autism
- PECs
- Intensive Interaction
- Functional Reflexology
- Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) including signing
The children who attend the Department have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and we work towards the following areas of development:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and Physical
Our specialist environment supports:
- Reduced stimulation
- A communication based curriculum
- Use of visual supports
- Encouraged joint attention
- Increases engagement
Access to mainstream
The Department takes a personalised approach to each child’s learning and growth. A child's time within the mainstream will be arranged on an individual basis and discussed with parents. It may be for a particular lesson each week or to take part in social time e.g. break or snack. Children will access mainstream when it is of benefit to their learning and development.
All children admitted to New Bradwell School Department have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Admission decisions are overseen by Milton Keynes Councils Special Educational Needs Department, who will discuss their education needs at an Inclusion Panel using ‘Guidelines for Admission to Specialist Provision’. Senior Leaders at New Bradwell School will then consider each child’s needs and the ability to meet them at the school.
Please use this link to find out more regarding the guidelines on how to access a place in our specialist Department.